Is it painful?

Tattoo Removal- Yes, tattoo removal is painful. I'm not gonna lie, it is. Some folks compare it to a hot splash of grease over and over. There are some things you can do to prepare for the pain, however.
  • Take tylenol (NOT ibuprofen due to bleeding risk) an hour to two before your appointment.

  • Put an ice pack on the tattoo for your drive in. Getting the area as cold as possible before your appointment makes a big difference.

  • We have a cold blower that we use during the session that helps to ease discomfort.

  • Last but not least, numbing cream is available. If this is an option you'd like to consider, please contact Lotus Laser Aesthetics prior to your appointment for more information. **Injection of lidocaine takes away efficacy of the laser.

  • Something to note however, the procedure itself is very fast. Many folks find the speed of the procedure convenient and feel they are able to get through it without much fret due to the timeframe. Also, the pain is typically only in the procedure itself. After the appointment, some, but not all clients, feel a mild burning sensation that feels like a sunburn that is quite temporary.

Laser Hair Removal- No, it isn't. Lotus Laser Aesthetics has the newest machine on the market that is designed to work with little to no pain. See Laser Hair Removal under Services to learn about how it works. The best part... it doesn't take away any efficacy of treatment... if anything... it is more effective!

IPL Facial, Pigment Correction, Scar Reduction- It can be uncomfortable but is not super painful. It can be described as a rubber band snap. Numbing cream is available, however. If you are interested in trying numbing cream, contact Lotus Laser Aesthetics prior to your appointment for more information and direction.

How do I prepare for my session?

  • You must be prepared to have the area being treated out of the sun for a week before your appointment and a week after your appointment.

  • You must not be on any photosensitive medications a week prior to your appointment and week after your appointment.

  • Please contact Lotus Laser Aesthetics if this is a concern, as there are ways to work around it, should it be a medication you are unable to go without.

  • You must plan on not raising your core body temperature 24 hours prior to your appointment and 24 hours after your appointment.

  • Make sure your paperwork is filled in. Lotus Laser Aesthetics will send your paperwork to you via email when your first appointment is booked.

  • Have the area shaved within 24 hour prior to your appointment.

  • Laser Hair Removal clients only- Do not pluck or wax at least 10 days prior to your appointment, or in-between treatments.

What would disqualify me for treatment?

  • An autoimmune disorder

  • A history of keloid scarring

  • Current cancer diagnosis and treatment (If you are in remission, a doctor's note will make you eligible.)

  • Thyroid disease (A doctor's note will make you eligible)

What is the price?